• Reading time:7 mins read

How to Be the Change You Want to See in Upwork

Upwork is a platform that connects freelancers and clients from all over the world. It is a great opportunity to find work, showcase your skills, and grow your career. However, it is also a competitive and challenging environment, where you have to deal with different expectations, feedback, and situations.

As a freelancer, you may have faced some difficulties in finding clients, getting good reviews, or maintaining a steady income. You may have felt frustrated, discouraged, or even angry at some point. You may have wondered why some clients are so demanding, unfair, or unresponsive. You may have wished that things were different.

Upwork freelancer

But have you ever asked yourself what you can do to make things different? Have you ever considered that you have the power to change the way you interact with clients, and the way they interact with you? Have you ever realized that you can be the change you want to see in Upwork?

In this article, I will share with you my Upwork and life philosophy, which is based on a famous quote by Mahatma Gandhi: “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” I will explain how this philosophy can help you improve your Upwork experience, and how you can apply it in practice.

Why Be the Change?

You may wonder why you should be the change, instead of waiting for others to change. You may think that it is not your responsibility, or that it is too hard, or that it will not make a difference. However, there are many benefits to being the change, both for yourself and for others.

First of all, being the change means taking control of your own actions, reactions, and emotions. It means that you do not let external factors, such as clients, reviews, or competition, dictate how you feel or behave. It means that you choose to act in a way that aligns with your values, goals, and standards, regardless of the circumstances. This can help you boost your self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-respect, as well as reduce your stress, anxiety, and negativity.

Secondly, being the change means creating a positive impact on others. It means that you influence the people around you, such as clients, colleagues, or friends, by setting an example, inspiring them, or helping them. It means that you contribute to making Upwork a better place for everyone, by fostering trust, respect, and collaboration. This can help you build your reputation, network, and relationships, as well as increase your satisfaction, happiness, and fulfillment.

How to Be the Change?

Now that you know why you should be the change, you may wonder how you can be the change. You may think that it is too complicated, or that it requires a lot of time, effort, or resources. However, being the change is not as difficult as you may think. It is actually quite simple, and it can be done in small steps, every day.

Upwork tips
Upwork tips

Here are some practical tips on how to be the change you want to see in Upwork, based on my own experience:

  • Give new clients a chance. As a new Upwork user, you may have struggled to find your first clients, or to convince them to hire you. You may have felt frustrated by the lack of opportunities, or by the low rates offered. You may have wished that more clients would give you a chance and trust your skills and potential.

Well, why not do the same for other new users, who are in the same situation as you were? Instead of ignoring or rejecting them, why not give them a chance, and see what they can offer?

You may be surprised by their talent, creativity, or professionalism. You may also help them grow their confidence, portfolio, and career. And you may end up with a loyal, grateful, and long-term partner.

  • Give low-review clients a chance. As an Upwork user, you may have received a low review from a client, either because of a misunderstanding, a mistake, or a disagreement.

You may have felt hurt, angry, or disappointed by the feedback, or by the impact it had on your profile, rating, or ranking. You may have wished that the client would have been more understanding, forgiving, or constructive.

Well, why not do the same for other users, who have received a low review from a client, for whatever reason? Instead of judging or avoiding them, why not give them a chance, and see what they can do? You may find out that they are actually competent, reliable, or friendly.

You may also help them improve their skills, performance, or communication. And you may end up with a satisfied, happy, and repeat customer.

  • Understand your client’s situation. As a freelancer, you may have faced some challenges or difficulties in your work, such as deadlines, scope changes, technical issues, or personal problems.

You may have felt stressed, overwhelmed, or frustrated by the situation, or by the effect it had on your quality, productivity, or income.

You may have wished that your client would have been more supportive, flexible, or empathetic. Well, why not do the same for your client, who may also face some challenges or difficulties in their business, such as budget, market, competition, or customer problems? Instead of complaining or blaming them, why not try to understand their situation, and see how you can help them?

You may discover that they are actually reasonable, cooperative, or appreciative. You may also help them solve their problems, achieve their goals, or grow their business. And you may end up with a loyal, respectful, and long-term relationship.

Be the Change Challenge

I hope that this article has inspired you to be the change you want to see in Upwork, and in life. I believe that this philosophy can help you improve your Upwork experience, and your overall well-being. I also believe that this philosophy can help you make a positive difference in the world, one client, one project, one review at a time.

I challenge you to make that shift and see where it leads you. I challenge you to be the change, starting today.

What do you think? Does this make sense to you? Do you agree or disagree with this philosophy? Do you have any examples or stories of how you have been the change, or how someone else has been the change for you? Do you have any questions or suggestions on how to be the change?

Let me know in the comments below. I would love to hear from you.

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