• Reading time:9 mins read

As the world increasingly turns to AI for assistance in various fields, becoming proficient with AI tools like ChatGPT can set you apart from the majority. Here are 11 advanced prompts that will help you leverage ChatGPT more effectively than 99% of users.

1. Pareto Principle: Focus on the Vital Few

The Pareto Principle states that 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. This can help you streamline your learning.

Prompt: “I want to learn [topic]. Can you use the Pareto Principle, which identifies the 20% of the topic that will yield 80% of the desired results, to create a focused learning plan for me?”

Example: “I want to learn guitar. Can you use the Pareto Principle to create a focused learning plan for me?”

2. Resources: Diverse Learning Materials

ChatGPT can suggest a variety of learning resources tailored to different styles.

Prompt: “Suggest me various learning resources (like books, videos, podcasts, interactive exercises) for the above topics that cater to different learning styles – e.g., visual.”

Example: “Suggest me various learning resources (like books, videos, podcasts, interactive exercises) for learning guitar that cater to different learning styles.”

3. Explain Like I’m a Beginner

Simplify complex topics by having ChatGPT explain them in beginner terms.

Prompt: “Explain [topic] in simple terms. Explain to me as if I’m a beginner.”

Example: “Explain quantum computing in simple terms. Explain to me as if I’m a beginner.”

4. Brainstorm Unique Content Ideas

Generate innovative content ideas quickly with ChatGPT.

Prompt: “Come up with unique and innovative content ideas that are unconventional for the topic: How to go viral on Twitter using AI tools.”

Example: “Come up with unique and innovative content ideas that are unconventional for the topic: How to go viral on Twitter using AI tools.”

Advanced ChatGPT Prompts

5. Schedule Your Study Time

Create a study schedule with ChatGPT, incorporating regular revision and testing.

Prompt: “Create a study schedule for all of the above in an appropriate amount of weeks. I can study for 2 hours every Tuesday and Thursday. Please include time for revision and testing.”

Example: “Create a study schedule for learning guitar in 12 weeks. I can study for 2 hours every Tuesday and Thursday. Please include time for revision and testing.”

6. Quiz Yourself

Test your knowledge with quizzes generated by ChatGPT.

Prompt: “Give me a short quiz that teaches me [what you want to learn].”

Example: “Give me a short quiz that teaches me the basics of quantum computing.”

7. Gain Clarification

Clarify concepts using techniques like the Feynman Technique and analogies.

Prompt: A. “Explain this in the simplest terms possible.”
B. “Create mental models or analogies to help me understand and remember [topic].”

Example: A. “Explain blockchain in the simplest terms possible.”
B. “Create mental models or analogies to help me understand and remember blockchain.”

8. Get Awesome Project Ideas

Get project ideas to strengthen your skills.

Prompt: “I am a beginner interested in [field]. To do this, I need to know how to [skill]. Can you give me some beginner project ideas I could work on to strengthen my skills?”

Example: “I am a beginner interested in web development. To do this, I need to know how to code in HTML and CSS. Can you give me some beginner project ideas I could work on to strengthen my skills?”

9. Create Mind Maps

Organize your thoughts with mind maps.

Prompt: “Create a mind map in markdown format on the subject of AI, ethics, and society at least 3 levels deep. Please reformat in markdown, import into XMind.”

Example: “Create a mind map in markdown format on the subject of AI, ethics, and society at least 3 levels deep. Please reformat in markdown, import into XMind.”

10. Get Criticized from ChatGPT

Receive constructive criticism on your ideas.

Prompt: “I want you to act as a critic. Criticize these titles and convince me why they are bad. Let’s think step by step.”

Example: “I want you to act as a critic. Criticize these blog post titles and convince me why they are bad. Let’s think step by step.”

11. Learn a New Language

Use ChatGPT as a grammar guide for learning new languages.

Prompt: “I want you to act as a grammar guide. Can you explain [the topics] and provide instructions on [how to apply the rule or concept]? Can you also give me examples of [how the rule or concept works in practice]?”

Example: “I want you to act as a grammar guide. Can you explain the use of articles in Spanish and provide instructions on how to apply the rule? Can you also give me examples of how the rule works in practice?”

By using these advanced prompts, you can unlock the full potential of ChatGPT, making your learning more efficient and creative.

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